
jueves, enero 29, 2015

Tres tweets seguidos del Papa Francisco

Mi blog es de un cunatuhay.

No se dedica al Papa.

Pero esto me llamó la atención por su audacia (de NEWS.VA):

El verdadero amor no tiene en cuenta el mal recibido. Goza haciendo el bien.
Auschwitz es un grito de dolor que, en ese gran sufrimiento, está pidiendo un futuro de respeto, de paz y de encuentro entre los pueblos.
Practicar la caridad es la mejor forma de evangelizar.

domingo, enero 18, 2015

Los frutos del mal árbol: la Iglesia en Alemania, que se aleja de Dios

Una traducción del alemán al inglés... no al castellano, de un diagnóstico sobre la Iglesia en Alemania.

El árbol de conoce por sus frutos. Ahí se han aplicado las recetas progresistas y mundanas.


Church in Crisis: Diaspora Germany
The following article, published on December 29, 2014 in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest and most reputable newspapers in Germany, is causing something of a stir in the German Catholic community. The author, one Markus Günther, pulls no punches in his stark portrayal of the current situation of the Church in Germany - one which is found in many places in the western world. Though the article is somewhat long, I highly recommend it - so much so, that I gladly took the time to translate it from the original German. I present it below, in its entirely and without comment. -RC


Church in Crisis: Diaspora Germany

Markus Günther

Dresden, Germany (1945)
On the night of December 13, almost exactly 50 years ago to the day, a student named Franz wandered through the streets of Münster. He could not sleep. He was too upset by the homily he had heard in the cathedral earlier that evening, delivered by a young priest and professor only a few years older than himself, which interpreted Advent and Christmas in an entirely different, even revolutionary way: the old doctrine, according to which human history falls into a time of darkness and a time of salvation - namely, into the time before and the time after  the birth of Christ - is one which no one today can take seriously, said the young theologian. Who, after the World Wars, after Auschwitz and Hiroshima, could still speak of the 'Time of Grace' which began 2000 years ago in Bethlehem? No, the dividing line between the darkness and the light, between captivity and salvation, does not divide history, but rather our own soul. Advent is not an event which takes place in the calendar, but rather in our hearts - or it founders there fruitlessly. That's strong stuff, and one can easily understand why the young student had trouble finding sleep after this homily, and instead wanted to be alone to think it all through.

Today, both the student and the priest of this memorable evening in Münster are old men: Franz Kamphaus, who suffered that sleepless night, and Joseph Ratzinger, the 37-year-old academic rising star who was shaking up students of theology. It is remarkable how the lives of these two men crossed paths for the first time. In retrospect, these two names - Ratzinger and Kamphaus - stand for two paths in Germany which, though they need not be labelled as 'right' and 'left,' were nonetheless quite divergent. Both attempted to preach Christianity under a different set of circumstances and to somehow translate it safely into the modern world - and they fought bitterly over the true and false compromises being made in the relationship between Christ and the World. And now, at the end of life and despite the distances separating them, the two men remain connected through a shared result of failure: Christianity in Germany is ideologically bankrupt.

Neither the humble, charming manner of Kamphaus nor the clever theology of Ratzinger, who helped to govern Germany from Rome, could change that fact. Not even a German Pope - who then, less than 20 years after the war, would have even considered such a thing possible? - could reanimate Christendom in Germany. Other than a bit of national pride and a few pleasant snapshots, nothing remains of the German pontificate. Kamphaus and Ratzinger, Modernists and Traditionalists, eager reformers and stolid conservatives: all stand before a common shambles in Germany.

Of course, one could deny it all. One could say that Germany is still a Christian country, because nearly two thirds of all Germans belong to one of the two major churches; because German children, even those on public schools, are instructed in religion; because there are crosses hanging in our courts and classrooms; because the Church does valuable work in kindergartens and hospitals. Even in the Preamble of the Constitution, there is still a reference to God, and the Chancellor called upon the aid of God while she swore her oath. And Germany is not a Christian country?

Yes, the historic backdrop is still there, and it is surprisingly well conserved. In many respects, however, the Church in Germany today is comparable to the German Democratic Republic [GDR; Communist East Germany (1949-1990)] in its later days: it looks stable, but it stands on the verge of collapse. And, like in the last days of the GDR, many officials are fooling themselves. Pastors and bishops, as well as many active parishioners, see blooming landscapes where there is nothing but desert. Love, as they say, is blind. And where existential threats are concerned, a calculated optimism often clouds a sober view of reality.

Shiny new facades and robust structures assist the work of self-deception: there are ca. 45,000 churches in the country and most of them - structurally speaking - are sound. This year, the Catholic Church and the Evangelical church in Germany has taken in more money than ever before. German church music is the best in the world. There are still 44,000 Catholic weddings and 225,000 Evangelical confirmations every year. What crisis? All that's missing is the argument that the churches are the second largest employer in Germany, offering more than a million people secure jobs - and the Church has finally arrived at a level of legitimization equaled only by the local garbage dump.

Only a Church which is a community of faith, and not merely an employer or a pillar of the social system, can be taken seriously. And precisely that - the common faith - has largely vanished into thin air. That only a third of all German believe in the Resurrection of Christ should be a cause for concern in the Church, especially given that, according to the files, two thirds are Christian. But it's much worse: even among the faithful, core elements of the Christian message are widely rejected. 60 percent do not believe in a life after death. At the same time, one in four Germans believes that black cats bring bad luck. More people between Flensburg [in the extreme north] and Oberammergau [in the extreme south] believe in UFO's than in the Last Judgement. Welcome to Diaspora Germany.

Just how little confessional affiliation still has to do with faith was revealed by a survey conducted by the Allensbach Institute for the Catholic Church. The results were so devastating, however, that they were never published. To the question, 'Why are you Catholic?' 68 percent gave the answer: "Because it allows one to celebrate the important events of life in the church, such as weddings and baptisms." The refreshing honesty of the second most common answer is no less admirable: "It's just what you do; it's a family tradition." Its is obvious that these cannot be considered religious, but merely cultural, social reasons. Most pastors on location can confirm the findings: the Church works best when it promises a fabulous celebration. A wedding in white, often in a strange but imposing church, is still very much in vogue, as are pictures of children in white for their First Communion or young adults in dark suits for Confirmation. One in three of those receiving Confirmation, however, doesn't even believe in God. The comparison with the GDR rears its head again: even after socialism had gone bankrupt, Youth Consecration [a secular coming of age ceremony practiced by all 14-year-olds in the GDR] remained in high demand. It even survived the demise of the GDR and, while emptied of its overtly socialist content, is still celebrated. Many worship services, too, are today such exclusively cultural events (e.g.: weekly meeting place, annual folklore, family reunion) that even after a conclusive proof for the non-existence of God they could continue to be celebrated.

The autumn of Christendom in Germany has begun. The Church Tax will either be eliminated as a result of political pressure or ultimately run dry by 2030; the last socialized and actively Christian generation will soon be exiting the workforce, and dead within three decades. Then the facade of the Church, too, will crumble. Behind it, a minority will become visible - a minority not much larger than the community of Jehova's Witnesses.

At the same time, a veritable renaissance of religion is proclaimed by the media every few years - preferably at Christmas time. Journalists and sociologists convince themselves that they have discovered a trend: a harking back to Christian roots, a new generation's search for meaning, a 'Benedict' - and, most recently, a 'Francis'- Effect. Truth be told, there is no data to support such a trend. The numbers are moving steadily in one direction: down. In 2013 alone, Mass attendance in the Catholic Church dropped by 10 percent.

There is no harking back to religion. Interestingly, however, the number of atheists has hardly budged. One might, after all, be tempted to think that the drop-off in Church attendance would correlate with a significant uptick in atheism. There is no such correlation. Even those who are at ends with traditional religions are not satisfied with the explanation that there was once nothing which exploded in a Big Bang, bringing the universe into existence; that mankind - and each and every person - was brought about through evolutionary chance; that the world consists of nothing other than what we can see, measure and understand; that everything ends with death. The question of whence and whither, the question of God is part and parcel of man. In decisive moments - such as those touched by illness and death, by the inscrutable in one's own life, by guilt and failure, hope and mourning, and, not least of all, by the experience of love - the question of God poses itself to the human consciousness. Karl Rahner once said: "Even if, one day, every religion were to disappear and even the word 'God' were to be completely eradicated, then someone would simply invent the word anew to describe the nameless mystery of our existence."

For the vast majority of people, whether in or outside the Church, the question of God remains a life-long issue with which they never really come to terms. The vicissitudes of life are also reflected in the biography of faith. Resolute atheism is the exception; a vague, often diffuse faith is the norm today. One could also say: they still exist in large numbers - the seekers and doubters who are asking about God and who are looking for answers - but the churches are reaching them less and less.

But why are the seekers no longer finding guidance? Why are the supply and demand no longer jibing? The most popular answer to this question is: because the Church is no longer relevant to the times. She must conform more closely to the realities of the lives of modern people. Initially, that sounds plausible, but under closer scrutiny reveals itself to be idiocy. For the Evangelical church in Germany has done nearly everything which is being demanded from the Catholic Church in order to become more relevant to the times: women priests, the elimination of celibacy, liberality in moral theology, the complete acceptance of homosexuals and the divorced. If these were the real reasons for the malaise of Christendom, the Protestants should be far better off than the Catholics. But that simply isn't the case. A second error in thinking is introduced by the popular buzzword "relevant to the times" [German: zeitgemäß, which can mean "modern," "suitable," or even "appropriate," and often carries all of these shades when applied to the Church]: Wherever the Church does not base herself upon timeless, incontrovertible truth, she reveals herself to be purely man-made. Political programs should be "relevant to the times," entertainment programming, too; but a religion must take command of absolute truths - or it is no religion at all.

On the contrary, both churches in Germany - not always officially, but de facto, in practical life - have already long ago abandoned central doctrines of the faith. In the attempt to avoid offending people and make access to the faith as easy as possible, a good deal has been laundered as if with fabric softener: Jesus, Son of God, has been reduced to Jesus, an exemplary man, like Buddha and Gandhi. The Resurrection of Christ has been reduced to a legend which is not to be taken literally, but rather in the sense of "who has love in his heart never dies." The lowest common denominator of the preaching often consists of nothing more than feel-good prose which should be acceptable to as many people as possible and for precisely that reason comes off as arbitrary. Peace on earth, more justice for all, being less egotistical - every group of halfway decent people can agree on that. Besides, an appeal from UNESCO or Greenpeace doesn't sound much different. Why should God be any different?

When the churches are all full - at Christmas, that is - everything is quite festive, but the spark of faith rarely catches fire. Many visitors wonder - both at the church and themselves. What were they actually looking for? And why didn't they find it? Of sacred acts there is very little to notice. And if the spiritual nomad finds himself at a more tradition-oriented liturgy, the result is no better, for the stranger is all the more strange here, and turns away all the more baffled. Liturgy assumes a good deal of knowledge; otherwise, one sees nothing more than ballyhoo and mumbo-jumbo.

Perhaps the person of today, with all his enlightened cleverness, occasionally stands in his own way. Faith requires a pinch of naivete, the readiness to give up control and open oneself to the Incomprehensible. Groping and hoping. No wonder that many find this increasingly difficult in a world which is set upon industrially reorganizing the last untouched domains of being: sexuality, love, birth, death. Total control, complete autocracy over one's own life is in trend. A more inhospitable breeding ground for faith is barely conceivable.

And yet, the churches themselves have done their fair share to destroy piety and the naivete of faith - or better: the immediacy of religious imagery. The storm against traditional forms was born in many minds. Perhaps this is the most calamitous development of modern theology: the desire to loose the content from its images, to abstract the faith and thereby to trust that modern man can accomplish more with a concept than with an image. A delusion. A faith without images is an ideology, and an ideology is judged in the mind of the individual and by the spirit of the times. An image remains an image: it challenges, fascinates, irritates, is accepted or rejected - but it proclaims itself. He who destroys images leaves nothing of the content. He who no longer wants to conceive of God as a Person, but rather as an abstract Being, as an Energy or Force, such a one will also thereby lose his faith. Every human relationship - and faith is precisely that - requires as its counterpart a living person.

(Original: German)

domingo, enero 11, 2015

Falsa identidad, error mortal

De Portaluz.

Lo que la Iglesia católica ha enseñado siempre: no existe la "identidad gay". Existe un problema, que puede ser solamente individual, pero que la cultura homosexual ha hecho escalar a nivel social y legal. Por el bien de los afectados, y aunque algunos activistas chillen, debemos mantenernos firmes en proclamar la verdad. Aunque rescatemos a pocos, les ayudaremos a ser felices.


Los ex gay sacan la voz

"Nadie nace gay", reza el categórico mensaje de una publicidad-carretera en Estados Unidos

"Nadie nace gay", reza el categórico mensaje de una publicidad-carretera en Estados Unidos
Impacto y polémica han causado las vallas publicitarias de un anuncio instalado en la carretera I-95 del estado de Virginia (Estados Unidos), durante el mes de diciembre (2014), cuyo lema central es: "Nadie nace gay".
Actualizado 2 enero 2015 
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El anuncio en cuestión fue pagado por la organización PFOX (Padres y Amigos de Ex-Gays y Gays), un grupo que defiende el derecho de quienes desean someterse a terapias que les permita ir desde una vida gay hacia una experiencia de afectividad y sexualidad heterosexual. En su portal se definen como “una organización para ayudar a ex-gays, a gay, a sus padres y amigos que necesitan ayuda, esperanza y la aceptación de la comunidad”.

Las vallas publicitarias incorporan otras frases secundarias –“gemelos idénticos, uno es gay el otro no”- e imágenes apropiadas, para exponer la evidencia científica que da origen a la frase central: “Nadie nace gay”.

La información de esta publicidad se apoya así, en la investigación que por más de veinte años lideró el Dr. Neil Whitehead, sobre gemelos y homosexualidad. Si los gemelos son idénticos, entonces tienen un ADN  que debería ser 100% el mismo, comenta el científico. Sin embargo tras veinte años de estudios descubrió que: "Si un gemelo idéntico tiene atracción por los de su mismo sexo las probabilidades de que su co-gemelo la tenga son sólo alrededor de un 11% para los hombres y 14% para las mujeres".

En la conclusión de sus estudios sobre gemelos el Dr. Whitehead afirma: "Nadie nace gay. Las cuestiones predominantes que crean la homosexualidad en uno de los gemelos idénticos y no en el otro tienen que ser factores post-parto".

La estrategia de la organización ha sido debatida y cuestionada en Estados Unidos por líderes de la comunidad gay organizada. Pero también por personas públicas que se definían a sí mismas como “gay” y que por diversas causas de no bienestar con esa realidad particular, se sometieron a alguna terapia conocida como “de cambio” o “reparativa”, pero que luego la abandonaron por no considerarla efectiva o incluso nociva para su calidad de vida.

En la otra vereda se encuentran otras minorías… los ex – gay satisfechos con el resultado de las terapias “reparativas” o “de cambio” y los profesionales que las ofertan, quienes desean ser no discriminados. Así con esta campaña PFOX (Parents and Friends of ExGays and Gays) busca hacer visible su derecho a difundir también en las escuelas su propuesta, tal como se le permite a las organizaciones de Gays, lesbianas, transexuales, travestis y similares.

El presidente de la organización Greg Quinland, en entrevista concedida a la cadena de noticias WND) recordó que él es un ex gay (hoy casado y padre) habiéndose iniciado en la actividad homosexual a los 10 años de edad… con un niño de 13 años, mientras veían pornografía. A los 23 años de edad salió del armario permitiéndose disfrutar del sexo, con pareja distintas, sin cuestionarse, visitando prostíbulos y saunas, tiendas porno y círculos sociales “gay” por todo el estado. 

"La razón por la que vemos tanta proliferación de la homosexualidad en nuestra sociedad actual es porque vivimos en una cultura saturada de sexo", dice Quinlan. "La iglesia del primer siglo prosperó en una época de anarquía sexual, cuando existía también una cultura homosexual hiper-sexualizada. Lo mismo ocurre con la iglesia del siglo 21. No necesitamos comprometer nuestro mensaje con el fin de poder llevar a los homosexuales hacia la iglesia o acomodarla a ellos", declaró a WND el líder del lobby ex - gay.

sábado, enero 10, 2015

La emancipación de las madres

El Papa Francisco habla sobre la emancipación de las madres (emanciparlas de lo que les estorba ser madres): ayudarlas, reconocerlas, apoyarlas, en su rol central en la sociedad (que, añado yo, no es aumentar el PIB).

Una catequesis conmovedora y realista.

(La referencia a la homilía de Mons. Romero —de cuya santidad estoy convencido, por un testimonio de primera mano y por lectura de sus santas palabras— es muy actual, porque la Iglesia y los sacerdotes siguen siendo perseguidos y calumniados por sus enemigos. Contra el mito del Romero revolucionario y político, pueden leer lo que dice su postulador, Mons. Paglia. Esta historia es aleccionadora, porque estar contra el comunismo y contra el terrorismo, y aun apoyar la defensa de la sociedad contra el terrorismo, no puede equivaler a cohonestar una acción política basada en la ideología de la seguridad nacional, ni avalar los crímenes que se cometen en nombre del orden público. Esto vale para cualquiera, sin importar cuál sea su posición política o su gobierno preferido).

(Otrosí. Los eruditos notarán que el Papa confunde la homilía que cita, que fue del 15 de mayo de 1977: "María y la Iglesia", donde habla de las madres, con la predicada poco antes en el funeral del sacerdote asesinado: padre Alfonso Navarro, del 12 de mayo).


Queridos hermanos y hermanas, ¡buenos días!
Hoy continuamos con la catequesis sobre la Iglesia y haremos una reflexión sobre la Iglesia madre. La Iglesia es madre. Nuestra Santa madre Iglesia. En estos días la liturgia de la Iglesia ha puesto ante nuestros ojos el ícono de la Virgen María Madre de Dios. El primer día del año es la fiesta de la Madre de Dios, al cual sigue la Epifanía, con el recuerdo de la visita de los Reyes Magos. El evangelista Mateo escribe lo que hemos escuchado: “Al entrar en la casa, encontraron al niño con María, su madre, y postrándose, le rindieron homenaje” (Mt 2,11). Es la Madre que luego de haberlo generado, presenta el Hijo al mundo. Ella nos da a Jesús, Ella nos muestra a Jesús, Ella nos hace ver a Jesús.
Continuamos con la catequesis sobre la familia. En la familia está la madre. Toda persona humana debe la vida a una madre y casi siempre debe a ella mucho de la propia existencia sucesiva, de la formación humana y espiritual. Pero la madre, aún siendo muy exaltada desde el punto de vista simbólico - tantas poesías, tantas cosas bellas que se dicen poéticamente de la madre - es poco escuchada y poco ayudada en la vida cotidiana, poco considerada en su rol central en la sociedad. Es más, a menudo se aprovecha de la disponibilidad de las madres asacrificarse por los hijos para “ahorrar” en los gastos sociales.
Sucede que también en la comunidad cristiana la madre no es siempre justamente valorada, es poco escuchada. Sin embargo, al centro de la vida de la Iglesia está la Madre de Jesús. Quizás las madres, dispuestas a tantos sacrificios por los propios hijos y a menudo también por aquellos de los otros, deberían ser más escuchadas. Sería necesario comprender más su lucha cotidiana para ser eficientes en el trabajo y atentas y afectuosas en familia; sería necesario entender mejor a qué aspiran para expresar los frutos mejores y auténticos de su emancipación. Una madre con los hijos tiene siempre problemas, siempre trabajo. Yo recuerdo en casa, éramos cinco y mientras uno hacía “una”, el otro pensaba en hacer “otra” y la pobre mamá iba de un lado para el otro. Pero era feliz. Nos ha dado tanto.
Las madres son el antídoto más fuerte a la difusión del individualismo egoísta. “Individuo” quiere decir “que no puede ser dividido”. Las madres, en cambio, se “dividen”, ellas, desde cuando acogen un hijo para darlo al mundo y hacerlo crecer. Son ellas, las madres, quienes odian mayormente la guerra, que mata a sus hijos. Muchas veces he pensado en aquellas madres cuando han recibido la carta: “Le digo que su hijo ha caído en defensa de la patria…”. ¡Pobres mujeres, cómo sufre una madre! Son ellas quienes testimonian la belleza de la vida. El Arzobispo Oscar Arnulfo Romero decía que las madres viven un “martirio materno” - martirio materno. En su homilía para el funeral de un sacerdote asesinado por los escuadrones de la muerte, dijo, haciéndose eco del Concilio Vaticano II: «Todos debemos estar dispuestos a morir por nuestra fe, aunque no nos conceda el Señor este honor... Dar la vida no es sólo que lo maten a uno; dar la vida, tener espíritu de martirio, es dar en el deber, en el silencio, en la oración, en el cumplimiento honesto del deber, en aquel silencio de la vida cotidiana, ir dando la vida, como la da la madre que sin aspavientos, con la sencillez del martirio maternal concibe en su seno a su hijo, da a luz, da de mamar, hace crecer, cuida con cariño a su hijo. Es dar la vida – y éstas son las madres. Es martirio». Hasta aquí la citación. Sí, ser madre no significa sólo traer al mundo un hijo, sino es también una elección de vida: ¿qué elije una madre? ¿Cuál es laelección de vida de una madre? La elección de vida de una madre es la elección de dar vida. Y esto es grande, esto es bello.
Una sociedad sin madres sería una sociedad deshumana, porque las madres siempre saben testimoniar incluso en los peores momentos, la ternura, la dedicación, la fuerza moral. Las madres a menudo transmiten también el sentido más profundo de la práctica religiosa: en las primeras oraciones, en los primeros gestos de devoción que un niño aprende, se inscribe el valor de la fe en la vida de un ser humano. Es un mensaje que las madres creyentes saben transmitir sin muchas explicaciones: éstas vendrán después, pero la semilla de la fe está en esos primeros, preciosísimos momentos. Sin las madres, no sólo no habría nuevos fieles, sino que la fe perdería buena parte de su calor sencillo y profundo. Y la Iglesia es madre, con todo esto. ¡Es nuestra madre! Nosotros no somos huérfanos, tenemos una madre. La Virgen y la madre Iglesia y nuestra madre. No somos huérfanos, somos hijos de la Iglesia, somos hijos de la Virgen y somos hijos de nuestras madres.
Queridas madres, gracias, gracias por lo que son en la familia y por aquello que dan a la Iglesia y al mundo. Y a ti amada Iglesia gracias, gracias por ser madre. Y a ti María, Madre de Dios, gracias por hacernos ver a Jesús. Y a todas las mamás aquí presentes, ¡las saludamos con un aplauso!
(Traducción del italiano: María Cecilia Mutual, Griselda Mutual - RV)


domingo, enero 04, 2015

Ved cómo se trata a los criminales en Canadá

Esta mujer insiste en hablar con suavidad y respeto a los clientes de la industria abortera.

No será tolerada.

A la cárcel. Gracias a Dios, Canadá es un país civilizado y ella no será torturada. Está bien, pero abandonada por quienes deberían apoyarla.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Exclusive report: Polish family from Boston family visits Mary Wagner in prison ~ Mary is being held in maximum security, but in good spirits

Mary Wagner in Poland
From Nasz Dziennik, with an exclusiveToronto Catholic Witness translation: 

Despite the fact that Mary Wagner will spend the holidays in a prison cell, awaiting her court hearing, she remains peaceful. Yesterday, a Polish family from Boston visited the Canadian in prison. The 38 year old Catholic was visited by Simon, along with his wife and their one year old son. The presence of the one year old boy brought Mary great joy. The Canadian resides at the Vanier Centre for Women, in Milton, Ontario. 

For the first week in detention, she is held in the maximum security section of the prison. It is a standard procedure, during which time the behaviour of a prisoner is observed. The visit lasted 30 minutes. "This was my first visit to a prison, and it felt strange, bars, barbed wire, controls before entering, talking vis a vis a phone and through glass, said Simon, "She told us that her first week will be in maximum security, a regular procedure to review prisoners, their behaviour and the potential to be moved to other sections, with good behaviour. Then you can have a cell with a window, and go for regular walks", he added.  

During the meeting, Mary Wagner was very attentive to her guests. Simon said the conversation was very cordial. She told the Pole that her first day in prison was Christmas Eve. The facility where Mary is held does not have a Catholic priest, but a pastor, with whom she read Scriptures and prayed. 

Mary Wagner currently has two processes. One relates to her last detention. The second is an appeal from the previous ruling.  She is also thinking of defending life from the process of a constitutional hearing. However, it is a complicated and expensive procedure. 

Presently, Mary Wagner has a limit of two visits per week. We encourage you to write letters to the pro-life Canadian at the following address:

Mary Wagner 
c/o Vanier Centre for Women
PO Box 1040, 655 Martin St., 
Milton, ONT, L9T 5E6.

viernes, enero 02, 2015

Suicidio en Facebook, impulso en blogger

Amigos, les cuento que he vuelto a suicidarme en Facebook. Veo que por ahora sus ventajas no compensan sus inconvenientes. Y los que quieran interactuar conmigo específicamente, y no simplemente seguir curiosidades, pueden hacerlo en este sitio.

Ahora procuraré cuidar más este blog.

Si quieren estar al día, les pido que se suscriban.

Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo.